
  • Adrienne

    “I received a letter in the mail from, “Undue Medical Debt,” stating that my medical bill had been paid. I was totally shocked and did some research and discovered they were legit. I was totally stunned that there…

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  • Monika

    “This is a real blessing after COVID -19 I needed knee surgery. Im currently trying to clean my credit I felt like I just can’t get ahead. Then I received ur gift in the mail. Many Blessings to…

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  • Verna

    “All I can say is Thank you so much. This really came as a surprise. I am so grateful and Thankful at the same time that my medical debt has been resolved. This has taken a big chunk…

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  • Anonymous

    “I just received my letter from you and I just fell on the floor crying. You have no idea how much I’ve been stressing about these bills from my injury. I can not thank you enough for this,…

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