
  • Betty

    Betty Holland has lived in Georgia all her life. She incurred the debt that we abolished in 2017, when she was back and forth between working in a plant making gas tanks for cars and seeing her heart…

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  • Kay

    “Firstly, I felt a sense of relief. I’m happy to have one less burden to worry about and to put an end to the collection calls and this debt showing up on my credit. I had gone in…

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  • LaWanda

    “I can’t tell you how truly GRATEFUL I am for this INCREDIBLE GIFT. I was diagnosed overnight in 2019 with colon cancer. I’m single and have been a flight attendant for over 14 years with benefits, yet even…

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  • Anonymous

    “I’d like to say thank you. I cannot stress how hard it is to keep up with medical bills. There have been many times that I would stay home rather than seek medical attention or treatment because of…

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  • Anonymous

    “Thank you so much for this. It truly is such a relief that this bill has been wiped away. I can’t tell you how much this means as a single mom it is hard to make additional income…

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  • Timothy

    “After several years of having old medical debt I got a letter that it had been paid! I was working as an independent contractor and was thrown from a truck. I still have scars from that altercation. It…

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